On 2014-10-24 19:02, Charles Berry <ccbe...@ucsd.edu> writes:

> Alan Schmitt <alan.schmitt <at> polytechnique.org> writes:
>> Hello,
>> I've just got the following backtrace when opening an org
>> file. Unfortunately I cannot reproduce it reliably, but I was wondering
>> if others had seen something similar.
> I do. Try this. Start emacs 24.4.1.
> 1) Copy this line:
>     CLOCK: [2013-07-22 Mon 12:29]--[2013-07-22 Mon 15:26] =>  2:57
> into a new *.org file.
> 2) Save and close the file and reopen. 
> 3) If no such error, kill the text in the buffer, and yank it twice.
> 4) Repeat 2 and 3 till the message
>    File mode specification error: (error "Stack overflow in regexp matcher")
> shows up. 
> 5) prune lines from the file and try step 2 till the error disappears.
> For me somewhere between 400 and 500 lines is the difference between opening
> with no error message and opening with the message.

Interesting. I don't use clocking, but the files in question use tags
and logbooks. I can actually open the file when I try a second time, so
to bisect this I would need to restart emacs each time. I'll try to see
if I can get a reproduceable recipe on my side.



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