I am prepending a checkboxed plain list item to a file named "pomodoro.org" (I'm not really doing pomodoro here anymore, it started as this but the unique filename stuck, and it is my ad-hoc datetree). It is organized much like a datetree, but flatter and newest first, thus the use of prepend. However, the capture buffer includes two extra newlines, which I must get rid of before or after completing the capture.
Is this desired behavior for capture-templates TYPE checkitem? I am still on ELPA version of org, 8.2.10. Here is my #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (setq pomodoro "~/pomodoro.org") (setq org-capture-templates `(("p" "pomodoro, checklist" checkitem (file ,pomodoro) "" :prepend t :empty-lines 0 :empty-lines-before 0 :empty-lines-after 0 ;; :unnarrowed t ))) #+END_SRC The result of consecutive captures looks like: #+BEGIN_SRC org - [ ] a second capture - [ ] a first capture #+END The spacing is doubled if I use `:unnarrowed t'. I have also tried `(file+regexp ,pomodoro "- \\[")', but I still get the extra line. A solution would be to use file+headline, then not using :prepend prevents an extra line, but my headline is the date and varies. Thank you, -- Brady