On Di, 2014-09-23 at 14:32 -0400, Aaron Ecay wrote: > I can reproduce this. > Babel uses yes-or-no-p to confirm evaluation of the code block on export. > yes-or-no-p is implemented in C whereas y-or-n-p is in elisp, so it must > be the case that the lisp code allows some hook to run, which follow-mode > uses to futz with which buffer/window is current, confusing org-mode. > The C implementation I guess doesn’t run the same hook.
Thanks for investigating this. That «yes-or-no-p» vs. «y-or-n-p» should make such a difference is quite bewildering. > Sounds like the best advice for the moment is “don’t use follow-mode > with org”. Maybe it’s worth adding to the section on package conflicts > in the manual? Aw, that’s a pity. Given the vertically sparse nature of the tree outline, follow-mode was quite naturally suited to complement org-mode, in particular on a wide-screen monitor. Considering you analysis above, should this be considered a bug in follow-mode or Emacs core? If so, I could then pass this on to the appropriate bug tracker. Though I wonder how «(TeX-source-correlate-mode)» figures into this (cf. my cross-link in this thread; hooking that mode into AucTeX will break exporting horribly when both follow-mode and org-mode are active. I thumbed through tex.el, and while it’s mostly Greek to me, I noticed that some correlate-related functions also seem to be using y-or-n-p directly. Follow-mode and plain LaTeX-mode appear to work in conjunction, though. Best, T.