Hi again, 2014ko irailak 23an, Aaron Ecay-ek idatzi zuen: > > Hi Marco, > > Thanks for your patch. TINYCHANGES can only be smaller than 15 lines, > though, and your patch has more than that (even if we discount > boilerplate like the license notice). So you should probably do the > copyright assignment which is described at > <http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html#sec-2>.
I should have said: the copyright assignment isn’t strictly needed for code in contrib. But since this module is an interface between two emacs built-in modules, it is a good candidate for moving to core eventually, where the copyright assignment would be needed. So, I didn’t mean to imply that the copyright assignment would be a hard condition on merging your patch, but IMO it would be helpful. -- Aaron Ecay