John Kitchin <> writes:
> I found a message is not sufficient because I get another message from > running the code block that looks like: > > Wrote > /var/folders/5q/lllv2yf95hg_n6h6kjttbmdw0000gn/T/babel-27354lYd/ob-input-27354uxF > > and it obscures the first message so you cannot tell what is happening. > Right - that seems to be quite accidental though: it is done by write-region in ob-eval.el:org-babel--shell-command-on-region when it writes the input file, before it is passed to the shell for execution; hardly a significant milestone. I wonder if that call should be changed to suppress the message, something like (write-region start end input-file nil 'no-message) quite apart from the problem at hand. -- Nick >>> Try this: >>> >>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp >>> (defadvice org-babel-execute-src-block (around progress nil activate) >>> "create a buffer indicating what is running" >>> (let ((code-block (org-element-property :name (org-element-at-point))) >>> (cb (current-buffer))) >>> (split-window-below) >>> (other-window 1) >>> (switch-to-buffer "*My Babel*") >>> (insert (format "Running %s" code-block)) >>> (other-window 1) >>> ad-do-it >>> (kill-buffer "*My Babel*") >>> (delete-other-windows))) >>> #+END_SRC >>> >>> It will mess with your windows a bit, but it does what you want I think. >>> >> >> Wouldn't a (message (format "Running %s" code-block)) be enough? >> That would avoid all the window munging. >> >>> >>> Gary Oberbrunner <> writes: >>> >>>> I have an org-mode babel program/document that takes about half an >>>> hour to run (end result is a LaTeX or HTML doc with figures). It's a >>>> mix of SQL and python. (The SQL is the slow part.) I'd really like it >>>> if org-mode could tell me, while it's running, which named block it's >>>> processing. Is there anything like that available? An option perhaps? >> >> -- >> Nick >> >> >> -- Nick