Thierry Banel <> writes:

> Le 20/08/2014 22:40, Ernesto Durante a écrit :
> as the source org file is not guarantied to be in utf-8.
> You may want to give it a try an provide a patch for that.
> 3 files are involved:
> - lisp/ob-C.el (you know this one)
> - testing/lisp/test-ob-C.el (to launch unit tests)
> - testing/examples/ (the unit tests themselves)
> - worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ (the 4th of the 3 files).
> Have fun
> Thierry

Hi Thierry,
Again I really appreciate your help.

As you pointed out unicode is the solution but we have to pay attention
the source file be itself encoded in unicode.

I have worked with VTK (the visualization toolkit). It is like
babel and allows differents block to be chained and evaluated on demand.
In VTK, such a chain is called a pipeline. Clearly the main challenge of VTK is
to ensure that the data flowing between algorithms are compatible.
VTK relies heavily on the type of data.

How in Babel can we associate a type to a data ? to a column of a table ?
to a list ? Without such a information, how can babel infer the type ?


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