
I added a custom template for the capture-mode:

The problem is that the default "Tasks" template is not there anymore.
So I tried to add this:
    ("t" "Tasks" entry
        (file "~/Documents/org/notes.org"))

Now, when I press `M-x org-capture`, the "Tasks" option appears in the
template options list.

The default behaviour for the default Tasks template is to add the new
entries under the "* Tasks" headline.

How do I achieve that same feature?

How to add all new entries under a specific header in the .org file?

Thanks in advance for your kind help and time.



This is how I add the custom template to the org-capture templates list:

    (setq org-capture-templates '(
        ("c" "Class" entry
           (file "~/Documents/org/class.txt")
        ("n" "Exercise session" entry
            (file "~/Documents/org/notes.org"))
        ("t" "Tasks" entry
            (file "~/Documents/org/notes.org"))

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