Alexis <> writes:

> i don't think that's a dumb question at all!

Good. ;)

> My original motivation for developing org-vcard was to create part of a
> pipeline for synchronising contacts between Org and my smartphone. 

That would be great!!

> (b) (i) i feel org-contacts.el, as it stands, is too inflexible. It's only
> aware of a relatively small number of properties, and extending this
> requires directly messing around in the org-contacts.el code. i feel
> that this has made it difficult to expand the list of properties
> available, as it basically requires everyone to agree on exactly what
> properties to add, and how.

I agree, but let me ask you what do you think about BBDB-v3? Many people
like it, but I must admit I haven't take closer look at it?

However, I wonder whether it's flexible enough to define one's own
properties of format of one's contact data and what about syncing?

> (b) (ii) Further to (b) (i), i feel people should be able to define
> their own properties, in their preferred language, without having to
> write code for this.

That's noble feature, indeed.

> (b) (iii) More generally, previous discussions on this topic on this
> list have convinced me that it's folly to expect everyone to agree on a
> single style for contacts in Org, and that what is needed is a system
> that can easily accommodate the development of new contact styles,
> potentially allowing an ecosystem/marketplace of styles to develop, with
> particularly popular styles being considered for inclusion by default in
> the system.

Sound very good and it seems it's obvious that such nice app as org-mode
needs some improvement in the way how the contacts are handled.

> Given all the above, yes, i would like to see org-vcard become the basis
> for an "Org contacts NG" system. (Which, to answer Feng Shu's question,
> would mean that the 'tree' style would be available by default in such a
> system.) Whether to actually take this approach, however, is something
> i'll let the community decide. :-)

I wish you all the best hoping org-mode users will find decent solution
for handling contacts soon.


An intelligent person does not take part in the sources of misery, 
which are due to contact with the material senses. O son of Kuntī, 
such pleasures have a beginning and an end, and so the wise man does 
not delight in them.

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