> Von: Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@gmail.com>
> Datum: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 09:14:10 +0200
> An: <emacs-orgmode@gnu.org>
> Betreff: Re: [O] Collecting unique selling proposition (USP) of Org-mode
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_personal_information_managers
>> OK, the list is there, but it is not comparing features directly.
>> A very good example is the features comparison of docear with some of its
>> alternatives:
>> http://www.docear.org/2014/01/15/comprehensive-comparison-of-reference-manag
>> ers-mendeley-vs-zotero-vs-docear/
> #+begin_quote
> A while ago, Mendeley was acquired by Elsevier for an estimated
> 69-100 Million Dollars.
> #+end_quote
> wow
> If Org-mode is better than Mendeley (which I don't know at all), then
> its worth a fortune ;)
yes, WOW!
Well, to come up with Mendeley concerning ease of use and intuitive GUI I'd
say that Emacs and org-mode will still have some way to go..
@Thorsten: maybe this short video gives you a idea about Mendeley and its
features: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ct4O0Ect18
(Remark: I am in no way affiliated with Mendeley and I only use it rarely)