Robert Klein <> writes:

> I confirm at least some variant of this.
> I start emacs using the command line "emacs -Q -l .e2"  with .e2 being:
> #+begin_src elisp
>   (setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/org-mode/lisp" load-path))
>   (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\|org_archive\\|txt\\)$" .
> org-mode))
> #+end_src
> org-mode version is git maint as of this morning.
> For my test file (attached) when I open the "first headline" and type
> C-c ' in one of the first table rows, I get shown the lines up to and
> including "Dan".  Now, as long, as I navigate in formulas concerning the
> visible rows, the table is visible in the org files buffer window and
> the fields used by the formula are highlighted.

I can't reproduce any of this.

When I open the "first headline" I get the first section ("Lorem ipsum ..."): 
no table shown
(partial or total).

When I open the second headline "headline", I get the table: all of
it. C-c ' works.

> Now, when I go down to the first formula whose referenced field(s) are
> not visible, the cursor in the org file jumps to the end of the file
> which is then displayed at the upper end of the buffer window.
> In "sufficient" long org files the visible cursor jumps to the end of
> the org file buffer as soon as you navigate to a line with a formula in
> the *Edit Formulae* buffer window.
> PS: I've seen this for at least two weeks ago, but forgot about it again.

This is from maint:

Org-mode version 8.2.7b (release_8.2.7b-2-g798733 @ 

My suggestion would be to `make clean', `make autoloads' and try again:
maybe there is some cruft in your tree that causes problems?

Can anybody else reproduce this?


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