Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:

> Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:
>> Looking at org-element-latex-environment-parser LaTeX environments are
>> recognized as "[ \t]*\\\\begin{\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\*?\\)}" (for start)
>> and "^[ \t]*\\\\end{%s}[ \t]*$" (for the end).
>> However, for e.g. small equations one might want to write
>> (*)         \begin{equation} PLACEHOLDER \end{equation},
>> i.e. in one line.  This fails to be recognized as the latter regexp is
>> not satisfied.  For code generated by humans this is not an issue.
>> However, e.g. SymPy generates code in the (*) format.  Prefixing (*)
>> with "#+LATEX:" will prevent ox-html from recognizing it.
>> Should org-element try to catch one-line environments as the one
>> above?  Or is it "a can of worms"?
> I think allowing them is possible, as long as \end{equation} ends the
> last line (with trailing whitespaces tolerated).
> I assume that, for simplicity, PLACEHOLDER could be longer than one
> line, too.
> If Bastien agrees and if you want to provide a patch, please be sure to
> include tests in test-org-element.el, and appropriate changes to "Org
> Syntax" document. The manual may need to be updated, too.

Thanks for your comments.

I changed a couple of things, and org-element now recognizes what I
wanted it to recognize.  Next step: don't break anything.

To test for immediate breakages I do:
   1. Install latest version of org (beta_8.3-15-g224105) on my /usr
      folder and start emacsĀ -q.  Run tests as specified in
      testing/readme.  I get 12 failed (1 unexpected).
   2. Load my modified org-element.el file and rerun tests.
      The only new fail is this one, that is to be expected to fail.

           (eq 'latex-environment
               (org-test-with-temp-text "\\begin{env}{arg} 
                 (org-element-type (org-element-at-point)))))

Hence, my question is: Can I now assume that my modification are now
somewhat safe wrt. the current Org syntax?

I have a case that I worry a bit about, namely broken LaTeX code with
mismatching no. of begin/end tags:


    #+begin_src org 
      \begin{equation} x^2_3
      \begin{equation} x^2_3 \end{equation}

With my patch, this will produce (*):

    #+begin_src latex
    \begin{equation} x^2_3
    \begin{equation} x^2_3 \end{equation}
    #+end_src latex

Before it would produce

    #+begin_src latex
    \begin{equation} x\(^{\text{2}}_{\text{3}}\)
    \begin{equation} x\(^{\text{2}}_{\text{3}}\) \end{equation}
    #+end_src latex

Both will break when compiled.  With some more newlines in the
Org-code, I can get this without my patches

   #+begin_src latex
    #+end_src latex
which is identical to (*) to a LaTeX compiler.

Should I worry about such changes to behavior?

I will write some tests and review the two documents you mention and
submit a patch ASAP.


I hear there's rumors on the, uh, Internets. . .

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