I favor the toggling behavior. There is an org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook
variable that can always have functions in it that keep the current
behavior, but that can be removed if they are not desired.


Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> writes:

> Andreas Leha <andreas.l...@med.uni-goettingen.de> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:
>>> I am using org-mode files with equations and code blocks in lectures,
>>> and it is problematic that C-c C-c removes the equation overlays when
>>> running a code block. First, you have to press C-c C-c twice to run the
>>> block, since the first one gets rid of the equations, but then you have
>>> run C-c C-x C-l to get the equations back! and the cycle repeats
>>> throughout a lecture.
>>> I would prefer that the equations stay untouched, and that the code
>>> blocks run without modifying them. 
>>> I think the best behavior would be for C-c C-x C-l to toggle the
>>> equations, and to remove the C-c C-c behavior for latex overlays
>>> completely.
>> Since this thread focusses on work arounds and local customizations so
>> far, let me just say, that I completely agree here.  What is the
>> reasoning behind the current key binding?  Is there any benefit over
>> using the same key binding to toggle the state?
> I'm inclined to agree too: I imagine it would be very annoying after
> a while.
> There are three things that C-c C-c currently undoes in an ad-hoc
> fashion. The first cond clause in the function looks like this:
> ,----
> |    ((or (and (boundp 'org-clock-overlays) org-clock-overlays)
> |     org-occur-highlights
> |     org-latex-fragment-image-overlays)
> |     (and (boundp 'org-clock-overlays) (org-clock-remove-overlays))
> |     (org-remove-occur-highlights)
> |     (org-remove-latex-fragment-image-overlays)
> |     (message "Temporary highlights/overlays removed from current buffer"))
> `----
> So if there are clock overlays or occur highlights or latex fragment
> image overlays, they are undone and the function is finished. This seems
> like a separate issue from the main thrust of what C-c C-c does (and it
> does a lot), so my inclination would be to suggest that each of the
> above conditions be togglable, using the standard keybinding for each
> (C-c C-x C-l for latex fragment image overlay toggling, C-c C-x C-d for
> clock display - occur highlights only happen from org-goto with the "/"
> keybinding, but there is no org-global keybinding I believe).
> However there is a variable that modifies that behavior:
> ,----
> | org-remove-highlights-with-change is a variable defined in `org.el'.
> | Its value is t
> | 
> | Documentation:
> | Non-nil means any change to the buffer will remove temporary highlights.
> | Such highlights are created by `org-occur' and `org-clock-display'.
> | When nil, `C-c C-c needs to be used to get rid of the highlights.
> | The highlights created by `org-preview-latex-fragment' always need
> | `C-c C-c' to be removed.
> `----
> If most of us leave that variable's value at default, the ad-hoc-kery
> probably does not raise its head except for latex fragments. If that's
> the case, then getting rid of just latex fragment undoing in
> org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c and toggling with C-c C-x C-l is probably the best
> solution. It probably would be a good idea to make the handling of clock
> overlays similar as well and make C-c C-x C-d toggle the clock overlay
> state (I'd be inclined to take that out of org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c as well,
> since I suspect that almost nobody uses it, given the variable above and
> its default value - but that's only a hunch).  That would leave only
> occur highlights to be undone by org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c - which is ugly but
> the function is a kitchen-sink kind of function anyway, so that's
> probably OK.
> Alternatively, make org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c undo these things as it does
> today, but only with a triple prefix arg (which afaict is not used
> today).
> As Nicolas would say, WDYT?

John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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