Thank you Peter.  

I have to admit I do feel stupid for missing the font differences.
That did take care of it.  


David Rose
Linux Systems Administrator
Information Technology Services


A Boeing Company

ph: +46 31 722 62 25 | mobile: +46 739 01 82 47 | Voip: 376225  
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Jeppesen Systems AB | P.O. Box 192, SE-401 23 Göteborg, Sweden 
Visiting address: Odinsgatan 9, SE-411 03 Göteborg, Sweden
On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 10:14:40AM +0200, Peter Frings wrote:
>Hi David,
>On 26 Jun 2014, at 08:54, David Rose <> wrote:
>> I am not sure if this is an actual bug or if I am just missing some
>> new setting/configuration option, but when in a graphical emacs window
>> org-mode table alignments are way off, yet when in a 'terminal' window
>> emacs session tables are shown as expected. 
>It will help a lot when you pick a mono-spaced (fixed width) font (courier, 
>monaco, ?). The Terminal mode uses such a font, as you can easily see by the 
>width of the letter ?i?.

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