On 06/15/2014 12:34 AM, Aaron Ecay wrote:
Hi Daniele,
2014ko ekainak 14an, Daniele Pizzolli-ek idatzi zuen:
Hello @ll,
I noticed that multi line caption works as expected, but there is no
way to fill it (at least to my knowledge).
I have the following function in my org-mode-hook:
Hello Aaron,
Nice, since I do not use short caption, this could be really a
viable solution.
How I am supposed to set it up?
I added it as:
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (awe-org-setup-fill-hook)))
When pressing M-q it does nothing on #+caption: lines.
If I enable the debug (fill-adapt-debug) I can see (org-message) in
the status bar and "#+caption: " becomes highlighted. But again M-q
does nothing.
I am using: org 8.2.7.
If you use ispell’s facility for adding to LocalWords (pressing A
(i.e. shift+a) at the spelling correction prompt, or “Accept (buffer)”
in the context menu), it will handle breaking the LocalWords lines for
Yes, but do not re-fill the previous lines (eg: if you change
fill-column). But that is a minor annoyance, let’s drop it now.
Hope this is useful,
Sure! Thanks,