Okay, I've read a fair bit in the archives here, and I can't see what I'm doing wrong. I've globally set `org-agenda-sorting-strategy' to '(ts-up). I want to sort TODO entries in the agenda by timestamp.
I can't figure out where to put the timestamp to make it work. It looks like `org-cmp-ts' tries to get the 'timestamp text property from the heading, but none of my headings display that property in that function. I've festooned the headings with timestamps -- where is it supposed to go? ** REPLY [[link]] <2014-06-13 Fri> <2014-07-13 Sun> :PROPERTIES: etc <2011-06-13 Mon> Or is some other setting that's blocking this from taking effect? I noticed other people in the archives saying that timestamps on heading lines didn't appear in the Agenda, but mine do. Could that be related? Puzzled, Eric