Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com> writes: > At the moment I am using the following formula: > #+TBLFM: @<<$4..@>>$4 = $2 - $3 :: @>$2=vsum(@<<$2..@>>$2) :: > @>$3=vsum(@<<$3..@>>$3) :: @>$4=vsum(@<<$4..@>>$4) > > This does what I want, but there are two things that could be improved. > > - The second, third and fourth formula do exactly the same, only on different > columns. Could this be rewritten to one formula? >
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- #+TBLFM: @<<$4..@>>$4 = $2 - $3 :: @>$2..$4=vsum(@<<$0..@>>$0) --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- See (info "(org) References") > - The line becomes long and hard to evaluate for a person. Is there a > possibility to put the formulas below each-other? > I don't believe so but my belief may be out of date. It has been discussed before: check the list archives. -- Nick