David Engster writes: > Nicolas Goaziou writes: >> Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes: >>> I have tracked this down to org-icalendar outputing wrapped lines even >>> for UID entries: >>> >>> ,---- >>> | BEGIN:VEVENT >>> | DTSTAMP:20140507T114443Z >>> | UID:0400[...]00 >>> | 00[...]6 >>> | DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20120403T060000 >>> `---- >> >> AFAIU RFC 5545, all lines longer than 75 octets, including UID lines, >> are expected to be folded. Therefore I think ox-icalendar is right. > > Yes, it is. > > I've already rewritten that part in org-caldav, but it needs more > testing. I'll push a fix in the coming days.
Well, that took a bit longer, but I pushed it now... -David