Bastien <bzg <at>> writes:

> Hi Alexander,
> AW <alexander.willand <at>> writes:
> > Now, Word no longer can open the html-documents produced by orgmode. The 
> > message is (translated from German): "DTD prohibited".
> You may want to customize `org-html-doctype' but you probably need to
> digg further to know what DTD is prohibited exactly.

Apparently, all of them:

Under "Security":

An XML DTD can be used to create a denial of service (DoS) attack by defining 
nested entities that expand exponentially, or by sending the XML parser to an 
external resource that never returns.[10]

For this reason, .NET Framework provides a property that allows prohibiting or 
skipping DTD parsing, [10] and recent versions of Microsoft Office 
applications (Microsoft Office 2010 and higher) refuse to open XML files that 
contain DTD declarations.

So, if org ODT export now depends on a DTD, then we'd have to say that we 
don't support exported files that open in MS Word.


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