John Kitchin <> writes:

> with the most recent org-ref, it should be sufficient to put this in your
> init file:
> (org-ref-define-citation-link "textcite" ?I)
> (org-ref-define-citation-link "citeauthorfull" ?F)
> this will create a textcite link and create a reftex menu you select with
> the key I, and the other link with the key F. these should automatically be
> links, and have completion functions. These will get exported as
> \textcite{label} and \citeauthorfull{label}. The
> org-ref-define-citation-link function adds the link, creates the functions
> necessary, and adds the types to the right places.
> You do not need to do the manual additions unless you manually define the
> link like you did with org-add-link-type.

OK, I see, and works fine, thanks.

One minor thing: Am I restricted to single-letter keystrokes
above ? like:

  I    ---- (...?I)
  F    ---- (... ?F)
  C-t  ---- (... ?\C-t)

I tried to get working something like

 C-r C-t 

with something like this

  (... ?(kbd "C-r C-t"))

with no success, but I am unsure, if there is just something simple
missing like a quote or a backslash, or if it's just not possible
at this point.


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