At Sat, 10 May 2014 12:11:53 -0700, Steven Arntson wrote: > > I'm having trouble getting drawers to collapse, and am wondering if I'm > misunderstanding their nature. I make an active region in an org-mode > doc on, for instance, "sample text" and invoke C-c C-x d, which invites > me to name the drawer. I name it "test," and RET, which gives me: > > :test: > sample text > :END: > > > ":END:" is colored green by org-mode, but "test" isn't. > > And it won't go through any kind of visibility cycle. I've tried [TAB] > and shift+TAB, and shift+arrowkey, and don't get any response. Using > emacs 24.3.1 and org 7.9.3f. What am I doing wrong?
i can confirm this behaviour, it's the same over here. something is recognised as drawer if its name is either in the list 'org-drawers or defined in the current file with #+DRAWERS. try to add "test" either to org-drawers e.g. (setq org-drawers '("PROPERTIES" "CLOCK" "LOGBOOK" "RESULTS" "test2")) or add it to the file's headers: #+DRAWERS: HIDDEN STATE PROPERTIES BIG low and revert the buffer, if it's already open. as a hint: in my settings, a drawer is colored green. if you use an undefined string for a drawer name, it is white. so you quickly see, if your string is a defined drawer. and another, you can get completetions with TAB when you do C-c C-x d, your string should be in the list. kind regards, dieter