On Thu, May 08, 2014 at 03:38:21PM +0200, Sebastien Vauban wrote:
> Suvayu Ali wrote:
> > On Wed, May 07, 2014 at 07:26:26PM -0400, Nick Dokos wrote:
> > I think I looked into this sometime back and I don't think there was a
> > nice resolution (as evidenced by Seb's links).  That said, I vaguely
> > recall a discussion on this 1 and half to 2 years back (that would be
> > the old exporter of course).  I think supporting this as a feature was
> > bypassed since this is very much LaTeX specific.
> While I think that LaTeX should be treated as a first-class backend (and
> not just 1 out of 10 or so), I'm not asking for something new to be
> added: just that #+BEAMER_HEADER is inserted before
> the \begin{document} -- hence *after* things like \title, \author, \date,
> and \usetheme.
> Right now, in an Org Beamer document, we can add specific code via
> 3 different types of call (with example data):
> - #+LaTeX_HEADER:       \institute[short name]{Full name}
> - #+LaTeX_HEADER_EXTRA: \usepackage{lxfonts}
> - #+BEAMER_HEADER:      \setbeamercolor{structure}{fg=craneblue}
> If we simply allow the placeholder for #+BEAMER_HEADER to be somewhere
> else (right before \begin{document}) than where it currently is, it will
> allow one to:
> - add a short title of the document for the footer
> - add a short author name for the footer (see AnnArbor)
> - add a short date version (for example, "May 2014" instead of the full
>   "8 May 2014")
> - customize some colors of the Beamer themes
> - and many other things...
> The above things are currently (almost, for some) impossible.  Changing
> where the #+BEAMER_HEADER placeholder gets inserted makes them possible
> and easy.

You have good arguments.  Maybe it should be reconsidered.


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