FYI Org + Elpy + IPython all play nicely now.

There have been some previous posts about people (me included) having
trouble using the full IPython stack in Org Mode. Some of those problems
were limited to when using sessions, and others only if trying to take
full advantage of the nice Python support provided by Elpy (enabled via
the (elpy-use-ipython) command).

I think the primary issue was Org text analysis on the >>> prompt which
in IPython becomes "In [n]:". This is solved with the "--classic" flag
to ipython.

With this setup:

(setq org-babel-python-command "ipython --pylab=qt4 --pdb --nosep --classic 
--no-banner --no-confirm-exit")

I now have Org, Python, IPython, and Elpy (including (elpy-use-ipython))
all running together in session and non-session mode.


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