Hi Jay,
Regarding org-refile: I just keep all my current projects in my agenda
list. I then set up org-refile-targets to (org-agenda-files :maxlevel .
6). This allows me to quickly refile a subtree to any subtree in any
project that I am currently working on. (I use this frequently to
organize my reading list, but I also use it to organize todos and
reorganize sections in my thesis). I also found that setting
org-outline-complete-in-steps to nil and setting
org-agenda-use-outline-path to t makes refile much quicker. I just call
org-refile and then begin typing the name of the top-level header that I
want. I can then use tab completion to get to any subtree I want. If you
have many identical top level headers this may not be an ideal setup,
but for me it works well. To make this process faster I use
org-speed-commands, and I have even added a key-chord shortcut for
org-refile so I do not have to be at the beginning of the headline to
refile. One of my projects for today is to organize some free writing I
did before I developed my current system, and this setup will make the
process much quicker.
Now regarding workflow. I use four files to organize my thesis and other
projects. I have a Readinglist.org file that contains all of the sources
for research. This is organized by topic, and tagged with various todo
states (FIND READ ANNO | NOTES). I keep many of my generic notes on the
topics in a few notes headlines at the beginning of each topic. A
subtree view of a headline from this file might look something like this:
* Moral Responsibility
** Goals for these Texts
** Important Claims Supported by Multiple Sources
*** Claim 1...
*** Claim 2
** Important Quotes . . .
** Other Notes . . .
** Sources
*** READ Kant's Account of Imputation, By Famous Kant Scholar.
. . .
I also use org-bibtex to keep bibtex info in each source subtree, and I
can create a current bibtex file whenever I need.
Then I have my Thesis-projects.org file. It has an outline of my thesis
and todo states for each section. I set up an org capture template for
this file, so if I think of something that I need to do while I am
writing I can quickly capture a todo that links to the subtree I am
working in. It goes into the inbox for this file and then at the end of
the week, I organize these todos into the appropriate subtree with
I also have a GTD.org fil. It contains all the projects and todos that
are not directly related to the thesis, and I have an org-capture
template set up to the inbox of this file. It is not technically part of
my writing workflow, but if I remember that I have to pick up groceries
after my workday, I allows me to quickly capture a todo, and get back to
work with a clear mind.
Finally I have my Thesis.org file. It contains my thesis as well as
notes specific to each chapter, and old drafts of chapters that I have
not yet completely rewritten. The notes go in a COMMENT subtree at the
beginning of each chapter, and the old drafts go in an Old Drafts tree
tagged :noexport:. (I find it most useful to have my notes and old
drafts right at hand for writing, but Richard's solution seems
reasonable as well.)
When it comes to actual drafting I use indirect buffers to put my notes
for the chapter, or an earlier draft on one side of the screen and my
current draft on the other. This allows me to keep distractions at a
Additionally, I tag all todos and readings associated with a particular
chapter :chap1:, :chap2:, etc. This allows me to quickly call an agenda
that gives me a clear idea of what still needs done for each chapter.
Hope that is helpful.
All Best,