Thanks for the feedback. I moved the key-bindings for f10-12 out of org-ref.

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 6:01 AM, Eric S Fraga <> wrote:

> John,
> I've been playing with the package although, so far, only for
> citations.  A few points:
> 1. Do you have any support for choosing the type of citation entry
>      (i.e. \cite versus \autocite versus ...) when inserting a
>      citation in the text?

Not at the moment. There are a few ways I can see doing this. With the
existing code, you can do M-x reftex-citation, select the format you want
and select the references. We could easily enough define additional formats
for other citation types. I found this way of inserting citations annoying,
because 99.99% of the time I want a simple cite link, and pressing  C-c ]
return regexp marking return was too much for me (

> 2. You define org-link-types.  Unfortunately, this overwrites my own
>      definitions, especially for "cite".  I wonder whether this type
>      of customisation belongs in org-ref itself.  This is similar to
>      my earlier comment about key bindings, I guess.
> 3. I sometimes use biblatex instead of bibtex.  As a result, I do not
>      use \bibliography and use \addbibresource instead.  I have
>      defined my bibliography files in org-ref-default-bibliography but
>      this is only picked up on initialisation.  It is difficult to
>      update this for a document in progress (I had to locally set
>      reftex-default-bibliography manually).
> 4. The customisation interface for org-ref-default-bibliography should be
>      list aware...
> Otherwise, seems to working just fine.
> Thanks,
> eric
> --
> : Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.6-923-g233c11

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