Hi Clément and all, Clément B. <clem...@autistici.org> writes:
> As for citations, I find that the most flexible way is to define > my own link types, that allows control on both org formatting and > export... Replacing my inline \cite commands with custom link types is something I've been meaning to do for a while. Thanks for the implementation ideas! I have a setup that for some people may complement the one Clément describes. Rather than dealing with .bib files and RefTeX, I represent my bibliography in Org, and use org-bibtex to (re-)generate a .bib file as needed. Here's how it works, in brief; I described it more fully at: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/79016/ 1) I store each reading as a TODO headline using a capture template. I use the post-capture hook to call org-bibtex-create-in-current-entry as appropriate. This allows me to keep notes, links, deadlines etc. associated with each reading in Org, as well as the bibliographic data. 2) I have a function that uses org-map-entries to walk over the headlines for my readings and export them to a .bib file. This regenerates my .bib file on an as-needed basis; the real bibliographic database is stored in Org. (I call this function from a Makefile, but it could just as easily be used from within the Org export process.) The next step, which I haven't yet implemented but which would connect this setup to one like Clément described, would be to add behavior to the custom link types so that *following* the link would jump to the associated TODO entry for the reading, rather than the entry in the .bib file. This should be straightforward, since org-bibtex uses the CUSTOM_ID property to store the cite key. And jumping to my own notes about a reference (which might further link to the original text), rather than to a .bib file, is usually what I want. -- Best, Richard