Hi, I seem to have a weird issue with org mobile sync.
Changes from my laptop save fine into my sync files in Dropbox, and get pulled into the mobile app fine too. The problem occurs when making a change on mobile and syncing back. The file mobileorg.org gets written correctly on the phone's Dropbox and arrives on the laptop ok, and when I execute M-x org-mobile-pull, my designated index.org gets updated by Emacs after it reads in the mobileorg.org changes. So far so good, from what I can tell. The problem itself is that my org files then don't get updated with the changes in index.org. index.org never seems to get processed. I have cleared it out and started with a single change - simply an addition of a TODO in one file, from the mobile app, and it never gets written to that file. Here are the pertinent bits of my .emacs : (setq org-agenda-files (list "~/org/work.org" "~/org/personal.org" "~/org/capture.org" "~/org/review.org")) ;; mobileOrg (setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/orgsync") (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/org/index.org") I'm using Emacs 24.3.1 on Debian Wheezy (although the same problem occurs with this distro's default Emacs 23 too) and matburt's mobileorg on Android. Been putting off posting to the list in a vain effort to resolve this but I guess I'm missing something obvious... Thanks. -- Steve