John, thanks you very much.

Your code really satisfies my  demand. I plan to use your function to
replace org-export.

Thanks again, and thanks Nick for your explanation.

Best regards.

On Sat, Apr 26, 2014 at 1:56 AM, John Kitchin <>wrote:

> You first export your org-file to latex. the function I sent assumes the
> tex file has the same basename as the org-file, and ends in .tex.
> Then, with your org-file as the current buffer, call that function. It
> will modify the latex file by replacing your \includegraphics lines with
> the equivalent line minus the .png.
> then you need to manually build the latex file if you want the pdf.
> I am not sure what an ebb file is, or what the difference in latex vs
> xelatex is.
> John
> -----------------------------------
> John Kitchin
> Associate Professor
> Doherty Hall A207F
> Department of Chemical Engineering
> Carnegie Mellon University
> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
> 412-268-7803
> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 11:23 AM, Leu Zhe <> wrote:
>> Dear John,
>> Thanks very much for your help.
>> I have tried your code but nothing happened. However, I think it is close
>> to my remand.
>> I have some questions about your code:
>> 1. When should this command be called?  Don't I need to call it before
>> the org-latex-pdf-process?
>> 2. I use xelatex to render my .tex files. Because xelatex can not
>> recognize the boundingbox of both .png and .pdf,
>>    so I need to generate .ebb for them in seperate folders, which are PNG
>> and PDF folders respectively. so i think
>>   you did not mention them?
>> I am studying elisp now, but your code is really difficult for me, so can
>> you help me dig in?
>> Best regard!
>> On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 10:54 PM, John Kitchin 
>> <>wrote:
>>> This is how I do what I think you are describing. I just take off the
>>> extension, and let (pdf)latex pick the extension it wants.
>>> (defun ox-manuscript-remove-image-extensions ()
>>>   "Removes .png extensions from \includegraphics directives in an exported 
>>> latex file.
>>> Run this from an org-buffer after you have exported it to a LaTeX file"
>>>   (interactive)
>>>   (let* ((org-file (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))
>>>          (tex-file (replace-regexp-in-string "org$" "tex" org-file))
>>>          (tex-contents (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents tex-file) 
>>> (buffer-string))))
>>>     (message tex-file)
>>>     (with-temp-file tex-file (insert (replace-regexp-in-string
>>>                                       (concat "\\(\\includegraphics"
>>>                                               "\\(\[?[^\].*\]?\\)?\\)"      
>>>  ;; match optional [stuff]
>>>                                               "{\\([^}].*\\)\.\\(png\\)}")
>>>                                       "\\1{\\3}"  tex-contents)))))
>>> John
>>> -----------------------------------
>>> John Kitchin
>>> Associate Professor
>>> Doherty Hall A207F
>>> Department of Chemical Engineering
>>> Carnegie Mellon University
>>> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
>>> 412-268-7803
>>> On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 8:46 AM, Leu Zhe <> wrote:
>>>>  I am using org-mode to write some article now. Org-mode is really a
>>>> great tool to outline a article with great table and image support.
>>>> Org-mode can display inline .png image but not .pdf file. Because now
>>>> org-mode can not control the width or height of shown inline image, so i
>>>> use matplotlib to produce low dpi .png image in PNG folder for inline
>>>> display and higher dpi pdf image in PDF folder for finally article export.
>>>> In .org file, the image link is like [[file:PNG\*.png]] and
>>>> \includegraphics{PNG\*.png}in the produced .tex file. Then emacs will
>>>> use org-latex-pdf-process to render it to pdf file. What I want is
>>>> that before or in org-latex-pdf-process, a regexp replace function is
>>>> added to replace the \includegraphics{PDF\*.pdf}, and then produce the
>>>> final pdf file.
>>>> Can anyone give a hand?

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