that works for the highlighting part of the question. thank you! On 4/18/14, Igor Sosa Mayor <> wrote: > for the highlighting: > > (add-hook 'org-finalize-agenda-hook > (lambda () (remove-text-properties > (point-min) (point-max) '(mouse-face t))))
- [O] how to stop the mouse pointer highlighting in agenda? Samuel Wales
- Re: [O] how to stop the mouse pointer highlighting in... Igor Sosa Mayor
- Re: [O] how to stop the mouse pointer highlightin... Samuel Wales
- Re: [O] how to stop the mouse pointer highlig... Igor Sosa Mayor
- Re: [O] how to stop the mouse pointer hig... Samuel Wales
- Re: [O] how to stop the mouse pointe... Igor Sosa Mayor
- Re: [O] how to stop the mouse po... Samuel Wales
- Re: [O] how to stop the mous... Igor Sosa Mayor
- Re: [O] how to stop the mous... Bastien
- Re: [O] how to stop the mous... Igor Sosa Mayor
- Re: [O] how to stop the mous... Bastien
- Re: [O] how to stop the mous... Igor Sosa Mayor
- Re: [O] how to stop the mous... Samuel Wales