Hello, I've just finished writing a little bit of code that allows the scheduling of reviews. The basic idea is that every task that is supposed to be reviewed has a LAST_REVIEW property (a date when the task / project was last reviewed), and optionally a REVIEW_DELAY property (with a configurable default value). If the current date is after LAST_REVIEW + REVIEW_DELAY, then the task is considered up to review.
I've written a small function to show these tasks in the agenda, and a sorting function to allow them to be sorted from "this had to be review so long ago" to "this has just been available to review". Another function allows to set the LAST_REVIEW property to the current date (or a chosen date if called with C-u). I attach the code. It's the first time I'm contributing something like this, so I don't really know how to do it. The header of the file is basically the same one as from `contrib/org-expiry.el', and I tried to keep a similar structure. Please don't hesitate to comment & criticize the code, I'm still learning my way around emacs-lisp and org-mode. Thanks, Alan
Description: application/emacs-lisp