On Thursday, 17 Apr 2014 at 11:52, Christoph Groth wrote:


> - Not freezing the editor during the execution of a task

This is a problem but I solve this by running multiple instances of
emacs.  The difficulty arises if you wish to edit the same file in more
than one emacs...  but if you can avoid this, multiple instances work.

> - Being able to execute multiple independent tasks in parallel


> - Being able to interrupt a running task

Trickier but easy enough via the shell, of course (kill xxx).

> - Being able to inspect the incomplete output of a running task

Tricky as well unless the task sends its output to a file or even "tee"s
the output so that you can "tail -f" that file.
: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.5h-898-g11f8ef

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