Marvin Doyley <> writes:

Hi Thorsten,
> Your hidden line cookie is what I am looking for. If I understand it I
> should do the following
> * Fruits [# ]
> ** Apples
> ** Pears
> M-x org-hlc-toggle-hidden-lines-cookies ?
> When ever I do this I get the following error
> Symbol’s function definition is void: outline-body visible-p, 
> The backtrace is included below.

Just tested `org-hlc-toggle-hidden-lines-cookies' with an org file:

| 3 matches for "^\* " in buffer:
|      15:* Introduction [#30]
|      46:* Org-mode everywhere [#876]
|     923:* Screencasts  [#20]


| 12 matches for "^\*\*?\*? " in buffer:
|      15:* Introduction [#30]
|      46:* Org-mode everywhere
|      50:** File Structuring
|      54:*** orgstruct  [#39]
|      94:*** Outline with Outshine  [#186]
|     281:** Subtree and Comment Editing
|     285:*** Introduction [#18]
|     304:*** Outorg [#112]
|     417:*** Poporg [#291]
|     709:** Remote Buffer Control [#213]
|     923:* Screencasts  [#20]

and it seems to work here ... but thats because I always load
outshine.el and therefore took this function for granted:

| outline-body-visible-p is a Lisp function in `outshine.el'.
| (outline-body-visible-p)

I fixed this in master right now, so if you pull the newest version it
should work. 

Note that org-hlc.el is 'wrong' in some ways:
- it only acts when called, not via a hook or so
- it actually modifies the buffer to insert and delete the cookies

but it works more or less, even for massive files.

I tried the right way (visibility change hook and overlays) and noticed
that my user experience went downhill pretty fast in big files - seems
that Emacs display engine is overwhelmed at some point. 

Why is flyspell-mode turned on automatically in the magit commit-msg
buffer now? I did not do anything about it and don't want it anyway ...


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