Le 10 Apr 2014 22:20, AW a écrit:
> > It just does the same thing as the Javascript bookmarklet but without
> > the need to register the scheme org-protocol:// in Firefox/Gnome/KDE/XDG
> > (or whatever we are supposed to do this week to manage handler for
> > protocols). I hope this solution to be easier and more reliable, at
> > least for Firefox users.
> But this is all I could find and I still do not know, what it is good for?!

Org-protocol is a system which allows to communicate with org-mode from
outside, in particular, to call org-capture templates from a web
browser. It usually works by registering a new handler
for the scheme org-protocol:// and by generating url of the form
org-protocol://template/data/foo/bar with a javascript bookmarklet. With
Firefox, registering a scheme handler is (according to my experience and
other people comments) painful and subject to random failures. The
firefox addon avoids this pain and just works.

You may also have a look on:
- http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-protocol.html
- http://orgmode.org/manual/Capture.html



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