Hello all,

I have started using which-function (now that I have a monitor big
enough for my emacs mode-line... ;-).  I was pleasantly surprised to see
that org supports which-function out of the box, although I shouldn't by
now be surprised at anything that org does.

Anyway, a quick question: which-function for org files seems to only
keep track of second level headings (or first level in some cases).  My
documents often have three levels and I would like to have the third
level, or even a hierarchical representation (e.g. "first -> second ->
third") shown.  I have not been able to figure out how which-function picks up 
information it displays.  Is there any way to customise org to display
different information?


: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.5h-888-g798bb8

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