Konstantin Kliakhandler <ko...@slumpy.org> writes:

> Richard Lawrence <richard.lawre...@berkeley.edu> writes:
>> The behavior you are seeing is as expected, though I agree that this
>> behavior is usually not all that useful.  See the variable
>> org-export-copy-to-kill-ring if you want to turn it off.
> Thanks! Now the export is much more usable for me. Out of curiousity,
> what is the use case of the default behavior?

I have no idea...if I had to take a guess, it would be that when
exporting a region as a LaTeX *snippet*, such as a table, it could be
useful to yank the resulting code into another buffer.  But I really
can't think of a situation where yanking a whole .tex document from the
kill ring is preferable to just visiting the exported file/buffer.  So
I'm all for changing the default behavior.


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