Hi, I apologize, for the last short post. The keybinding for new headline in org-mode sends an email in gmail. Let us try this again.
Right now when you run org-bibtex with org-bibtex-tags-are-keywords set to true, only the tags assigned directly to the headline are converted. So, for instance, if I run org bibtex on a file set up like this. #+---------------------EXAMPLE-------------------------------------------- * Journal articles on Authortity :auth: ** Kant's Mature View of Legal Authority :Kant: :PROPERTIES: (bib info here) :END: #+-----------------------END-EXAMPLE-------------------------------------- The .bib file that is exported only inherits the second tag `:Kant:' Having tag inheritance would be very useful for organizing large bibliographies. This would give people the convenience of managing and organizing the files in org-mode, but still allow them to use some of the convenient features of gui based bibtex browsers. It would also allow people to share their bibliographies, along with their tags with colleagues who have not yet been converted to using org-mode. This relevant behavior is controlled by the function org-bibtex-headline in org-bibtex.el. I can change the behavior on my machine by changing `org-get-local-tags-at' to `org-get-tags-at' in my local version of org-bibtex.el. This of course does not fix the bug I mentioned last week. (Bug: Error with org-bibtex export with tags when using custom bibtypes<http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/84198/focus=84215> )However the cases where the original org-bibtex works this function works as well. Of course not everyone would want this on all of the time. However it seems like it would not be too hard to make a variable such as `org-bibtex-tags-are-keywords-inherit' and modify `org-bibtex-headline' so that you can toggle tag inheritance. Unfortunately, my knowledge of lisp is particularly rudimentary so I can't offer to do it myself. Let me know what you think Thanks so much, Leonard On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Leonard Randall < leonard.a.rand...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, > Right now when you run org-bibtex with org-bibtex-tags-are-keywords set to > true, only the tags assigned directly to the headline are converted. So for > instance if run org bibtex on a file set up like this. > * Authority :auth: > ** Kant's Views on authority :Kant: > :properties: > (bibliography info here) > :end: > This behavior is controlled by the function org-bibtex-headline in > org-bibtex.el. I can change the behavior on my machine by changing > `org-get-local-tags-at' to `org-get-tags-at' in >