On 02.04.2014 23:04, Eric Schulte wrote:
> Andreas Hilboll <li...@hilboll.de> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I want to write a "SConstruct" file (for SCons, a Python make
>> alternative) in orgmode, using literate programming.  So I have a file
>> "SConstruct.org", where I include the code blocks with "#+begin_src ...
>> #+end_src".  My question:
>>    How can I specify that *all* code blocks shall be tangled into one
>> single file called "SConstruct"?
>> I know I could do this by writing
>>    #+begin_src python :tangle SConstruct
>>    [...]
>>    #+end_src
>> instead of
>>    #+begin_src
>>    [...]
>>    #+end_src
>> but is there some way to define the "python"
> no
>> and the ":tangle SConstruct"
> yes
> #+Property: tangle SConstruct

Thanks for your feedback, Eric!  However, it doesn't seem to work properly.

The first two lines of my file read

   #+OPTIONS: toc:4 h:4
   #+PROPERTY: tangle SConstruct

and I have several code blocks like

   #+begin_src python

However, when I invoke org-babel-tangle, I get the message "Tangled 0
code blocks from SConstruct.org", and no output file is created.

Have I misunderstood you?  What am I doing wrong?

Cheers, Andreas.

>> 'globally' for the whole file?
>> Thanks for helping me orgmode-newbie!
> Best,
>> -- Andreas.

-- Andreas.

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