Unless you have the structure of your book set in stone, numbers just get
in your way. The great power of org is being able to write 'modularly' and
rearrange at will.

When you export, your chapter/section numbers will be right as well as all
cross references.

I think you'll be happier to ignore numbered headings when writing. I've
just moved to org for a 600+ page book -- Magic (and even more magic once
the whole bibliographic reference problem is solved).


On 29 March 2014 07:49, Steven Arntson <ste...@stevenarntson.com> wrote:

> Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> writes:
> > There are probably many ways to do that, but I want to invert the
> > question: *why* do you want chapter numbers in your org file?
> > I would argue that they are a bad idea in the vast majority of cases.
> >
> > Nick
> I'm just accustomed to seeing them in my working drafts. Perhaps it is I
> who needs to change, rather than my unnumbered chapters! Something I
> haven't explored yet with org-mode is exporting to LaTeX, but it sounds
> like these numbers can be made to appear after export. I'm not yet a
> LaTeX user, so I may wait to explore that until I get to it.
> Best!
> steven

Alan L Tyree                    http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~alan
Tel:  04 2748 6206

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