Dnia 2014-03-23, o godz. 09:50:24
Bastien <b...@gnu.org> napisaƂ(a):

> Marcin Borkowski <mb...@wmi.amu.edu.pl> writes:
> > But I'd strongly suggest making nil the default value.  I find the
> > current setting strongly unintuitive (unless one read the manual,
> > that is;)), and not really needed (at least for me).  If I have the
> > export results in a separate buffer or file, why would I need them
> > in the kill ring?
> I guess the default value is a left-over from the time when the HTML
> export was just a quick hack, targetting users who want to export
> small Org buffer and copy that into another (bigger) HTML file.  Not
> sure.
> > Besides, I often want to do something like this: kill a fragment
> > of my buffer (usually some option, but not necessarily), export the
> > file, decide that I preferred the previous version, and yank it
> > back. Obviously, I can use undo - but what about yanking it in
> > another place, for instance?
> I don't know any other place than the kill-ring, but setting
> `org-export-copy-to-kill-ring' to nil should solve the problem,
> already, no?

Well, yes - it did it for me, at least.  But it required setting the
option.  And I suspect that what the majority of users might
need/expect is having this option set to nil - that was what I meant.

BTW, I also think that Org is awesome.  Thanks a lot!

Marcin Borkowski
Adam Mickiewicz University

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