
Marcin Borkowski <mb...@wmi.amu.edu.pl> writes:

> I started to wonder and came to the conclusion that this might be
> interesting for my "cloze" idea (with syntax as in one of my previous
> messages).  However, I can't really understand what is going on here.
> It seems to me that the key function is
> org-latex--wrap-latex-math-block; it is, however, a bit long and I'm a
> bit afraid of studying it (and don't have enough time today for that
> anyway).  What would you suggest for grokking the idea of
> "pseudo-objects"?  In particular:
> - How do they get parsed?  What portions of the source should I read
>   to understand that?

They are not parsed.

You create a new parsed object or element out of thin air, or alter
existing markup under certain conditions, and insert it in the parse
tree before it gets interpreted by an export back-end.

> - Would it be a good idea to instrument one (or more) functions for
>   edebug to get the idea of what's going on there?

Edebug will help only if you have a good mental representation of the
parse tree (or at least a function to display it when it is short
enough), but it is a valuable tool to understand what happens.


Nicolas Goaziou

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