( writes: > It was reproduced on clean Emacs by running `emacs -Q' and issuing: > > (let ((package-load-list '((org t)))) > (package-initialize))
Could you show us the output of M-x org-version in that "emacs -Q" session ? Could you also try M-x org-reload after you ran the above lispĀ ? What is the output of (locate-library "org-compat") ? What's the output of M-: (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (elt) (when (and (stringp (car elt)) (string-match "org-compat" (car elt))) (car elt))) load-history)) ? FWIW I couldn't repro either with the following recipe: $ REPO=gnu emacs -f package-refresh-contents --eval '(package-install (cadr (assoc (quote org) package-archive-contents)))' with an empty ~/.emacs -- Nico.