FAb <0x...@free.fr> writes:

> Hi,
> When I org-export in pdf the items in TOC have red box around them like
> "decoration" for link in css.
> How can I get ride of them ?
> Or how to customize this stuff ?

The boxes come from the default setup of hyperref in LaTeX and the
behavior can be customized via ~\hypersetup{}~.  Here is an example on a
file basis that changes the link identification from a box to a text
color (~colorlinks=true~) and then specifies the particular color 
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue}

Refer to the Extension Options of the hyperref manual[fn:1] for more
details and possibilities.

[fn:1] http://mirror.unl.edu/ctan/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/doc/manual.pdf

> Thanks

Tim Burt
"It is healthful to every sane man to utter the art within him;" -- GK 

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