"Elasady, Summer" <s...@stowers.org> writes:

> Hello-
> Thanks in  advance for any help/advice.  I am new to  LaTeX and Beamer
> and did not find any documentation on this specific issue.

The first piece of  advice I have is: don't post  screenshots - they are
useless. I can't  cut and paste from the screenshot  to try to reproduce
the problem, so  I would have to type  the damn thing in (or  as in this
case, hunt around in the links you provided to find something that I can
work with). Why are you making  life difficult for the people whose help
you are seeking? Just include your org file directly in the email - see
below for an example.

> I am  trying to  export to  Beamer to create  presentations out  of my
> OrgMode documents and I’m running into a strange formatting issue. The
> headers are being printed out before  any of the content. So my export
> will show  all the headers  in order, followed  by all the  content in
> order, instead of exporting header/content, header2/content2, etc.

What version of emacs/org are you using? I can't reproduce this ordering
problem, although I  do have troubles producing the  code listings.

Org-mode version 8.2.5h (release_8.2.5h-682-g080f1d @

GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.6.4) of

Here is the org file I used:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#BEAMERINSTITUTE   Miskatonic  University,   Astrology  Dept.    +TITLE:
#Presentation with Org-Mode and Beamer +AUTHOR: Someone

* My presentation

** Overview

   1. Introduction

   2. Main part

   3. Questions

** Some interesting stuff

*** an important point

    - subpoint a

    - subpoint b

* Another slide

** Graphics

*** a picture

#+begin_src ditaa :file blue.png
| cBLU |
|    +----+
|    |cPNK|


*** another picture

* And another
** More interesting stuff

*** some C++ code
\begin{lstlisting}[language=c++] for (int i = 1; i != 10; ++i)
    std::cout << i << ": hello, world!"
              << std::endl; \end{lstlisting}

*** and some Python

\begin{lstlisting}[language=python] for i in range(1,10):
        print i, "hello, world!"  \end{lstlisting}
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

If I get rid of the code  listings, everything works as expected for me.
With the code listings I get this error - no idea why:

| (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/listings/lstlang1.sty)
| (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/listings/lstlang1.sty)
| (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/listings/lstmisc.sty)  Overfull
| \hbox   (40.77774pt   too   wide)   in   paragraph   at   lines   82--82
| [][]\T1/cmss/m/n/10.95              stlistinglocklocknd             some
| Python-stlist-ingstlist-in-gloc k-lock-eamer@frameslideAnd
| Package Listings Warning:  Text dropped after begin of  listing on input
| line 82.
| )
| ! Emergency stop.
| <*> .../nick/src/org/latex/beamer-presentation.tex
| !  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!


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