Ista Zahn <> writes:

> Hi Xavier,
> I think
> #+begin_src latex :results drawer :exports results
>   \begin{align*}
>   x&=x\\
>   y&=y
>   \end{align*}
> #+end_src
> will give both syntax highlighting (in the code block) as well as
> properly displayed equations in both latex and html export.

This doesn't work for me in HTML.  I get the code exported as is, not
the actual equations.  You must have some other configuration settings
that allow for this?

For this to work for me, I have to invoke conditional entries for
:results and for :exports to create an image for HTML.  I would love to
hear what HTML and what Latex you get generated with the above.


: Eric S Fraga (0xFFFCF67D), Emacs, Org release_8.2.5h-683-ga85683

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