Hi All,

> Yes.  In the meantime, other users' voices can help us step back and
> see things differently.

(For reference: I have been using org-mode -- for TODO lists and note
taking -- for a few years now, but have not contributed code.)

I imagine myself as a naive user (which does not take too much) who does
not know the internal structure of org and its syntax.

If I execute org-open-at-point at the start of a line with a link and
get the message "No link at point", I think "Ah, I need to move point
onto the link."  I do and all is good.

So I find myself in Nicholas' camp in regards to the discussion of
org-open-at-point.  I think any pains -- which seem to be quite minor --
associated with the change in behavior are worth the gains in uniformity
and clarity.  And here I am thinking here not only about my day-to-day
use of org-mode, but also of my (slow) journey towards understanding
more about how it works.

But if my point is on a link in a comment, and I do org-open-at-point,
and get the message "No link at point", then I think, "But why?  I am on
something that looks like a link".

So in regards to the discussion of links in comments, I see more clearly
the argument Bastien, Michael, etc. are making.  But I am unsure here
how to judge whether the benefits outweigh the costs.

Perhaps that is helpful; perhaps not!

Best Regards,

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