Yep, I see that there are several options here abpout what to expect.

Somehow, the H option did not help me as much as I wanted and in the case
of slides,
I find the conversion of the higher level headings into list items quite
After all, we already have list items in org. :-)


2014-03-02 11:08 GMT+01:00 Yujie Wen <>:

> Hi,
>   I am afraid ox-reveal cannot do it automatically. But if you are wanting
> an overview of headings, simply press escape key will show the full layout
> of the presentation. Hope it can help some how.
> Yujie
> 2014-03-02 17:59 GMT+08:00 Fabrice Popineau <>:
> Hi,
>> Is there a way to stop ox-reveal to introduce new slides when we go down
>> levels of headlines?
>> I thinkl it would be meaning ful to say that 1st level is for
>> 'horizontal' slides, 2nd level for going 'vertical', but the next levels
>> should appear as titles on the slide.
>> Am I missing something here?
>> Fabrice

Fabrice Popineau
Département Informatique
3, rue Joliot Curie
91192 Gif/Yvette Cedex
Tel direct : +33 (0) 169851950
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