Hi Nicolas

There is a recent regression that I hope I can use to revive an old
unanswered thread that, as it seems to me, is perfectly related.

On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 2:11 PM, Michael Brand
<michael.ch.br...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> The recent bug report below reminds me of a comparable situation with
> a bug that I wanted to report at some time:
> --------------------------------
> #+LINK: link-abbreviation http://www.orgmode.org/#
> 1) [ ] [[http://www.orgmode.org/#docs]]
> 2) [[link-abbreviation:docs]]
> 3) [ ] [[link-abbreviation:docs]]
> 1 bla bla [ ] [[http://www.orgmode.org/#docs]]
> 2 bla bla [[link-abbreviation:docs]]
> 3 bla bla [ ] [[link-abbreviation:docs]]
> | 1 | [ ] | [[http://www.orgmode.org/#docs]] |
> | 2 |     | [[link-abbreviation:docs]]       |
> | 3 | [ ] | [[link-abbreviation:docs]]       |
> --------------------------------
> C-c C-o with point on "1" or "2" opens the browser, on "3" I expect
> the same but an error happens.
> Michael
> On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Christoph LANGE
> <math.semantic....@gmail.com> wrote:
> subject: C-c C-c doesn't tick check box when pressed on a hyperlink in a
> list item
>> this is a bug in Org 8.2 on Emacs 24.3.  I can't use
>> org-submit-bug-report right now (see previous mail), so let me try this way.
>> I have a check list like this
>>  * [X] item
>>  * [ ] item
>> and some of the items contain hyperlinks.  When I am on one such
>> hyperlink and press C-c C-c it doesn't tick the check box but says "C-c
>> C-c can do nothing useful at this location".

The above old issue with "3" remains the same on

The recent regression is from release_8.2.5h-647-gfc9ce86

    commit fc9ce86cfc1ecf7e86028027a12875a26500e774
    Author: Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com>
    Date:   Sun Feb 23 11:35:34 2014 +0100

        Rewrite `org-open-at-point' using Elements

and leads to the error "No link found", on all of "1", "2" and "3".

And once again thank you for your work in reimplementing more and more
by using org-element.


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