Hi Volker- I tried the your example code blocks on my system, and I concur with most of the behavior you described.
org-babel-execute-buffer does not work, as it comes back with error "repl not connected". It did not cause a crash. However, if I add explicit namespace declaration to the 2nd block, it works! This is true even thought the 3rd block does not(???). I was thinking back to why I never encountered this problem, and it is because I have almost always used an explicit namespace declaration at the top of the block. Fortunately, after the first block, you don't have to use the optional parameters, includes etc. In your example (ns environment.my-test) added to subsequent code blocks you wish to execute in the same namespace should be sufficient. I think this should be considered the "work-around" until someone can explain what is going on, or, even better, can fix this. I'm the person who updated the worg documentation for Clojure code blocks. I'm thinking about adding a list of TODOs at the bottom, as there have been some other requests recently to the function behavior. This issue definitely will go on the list. Hopefully Bastien is monitoring and can comment if this is appropriate to add to the Clojure specific worg page (or should it go somewhere else). Regards, Greg