"Sebastien Vauban" <sva-n...@mygooglest.com>

> "Loris Bennett" wrote:
>> "Sebastien Vauban" writes:
>>> "Loris Bennett" wrote:
>>>> I'm trying to keep track of total time spend at work, but I am having
>>>> trouble with a conditional in table formula:
>>>> | *Day*            | *Came* | *Went* | *Worked* | *Required* |   *Diff* |
>>>> |------------------+--------+--------+----------+------------+----------|
>>>> | [2014-01-06 Mon] |   8:00 |  17:00 | 09:00:00 |   00:00:00 | 09:00:00 |
>>>> | [2014-01-07 Tue] |        |        | 00:00:00 |   00:00:00 | 00:00:00 |
>>>> | [2014-01-08 Wed] |   8:10 |  16:30 | 08:20:00 |   00:00:00 | 08:20:00 |
>>>> | [2014-01-09 Thu] |   7:55 |  17:05 | 09:10:00 |   00:00:00 | 09:10:00 |
>>>> | [2014-01-10 Fri] |   8:00 |  17:05 | 09:05:00 |   00:00:00 | 09:05:00 |
>>>> #+TBLFM: $4=$3-$2;T::$5=if($4 > 0,"8:18:00","00:00:00");T::$6=$4-$5;T
>>>> Can anyone enlighten me as to why I get "00:00:00" in the first case?
>>> Not answering your question...
>>> Just wanted to mention that, for this type of task, you probably should
>>> have a look at the "clocking" mechanisms (C-c C-x C-i and the like), and
>>> use them to generate tables like the above, or bills for clients, etc.
>>> Using proper clocking brings you many advantages, whose main (IMO) is
>>> the "clock check" feature, where you can check that you don't have
>>> unintended clocking gaps during the day, nor clocking overlap...
>> I do already use clocking for certain areas of activity.  However, I
>> would need "nested" clocking, i.e. a clock for "at work/not at work"
>> which I can clock into at the beginning of the day an out of at the end
>> of the day and within that the ability to clock into to and out of
>> various activities.  Is that possible?
> I do have personal tasks into personal.org, and work tasks in work.org
> (and many others).
> Those files have FILETAGS (set to :personal: and :work:) so that I don't
> have to manually tag every section, etc.
> Then, in your clocktable, you can include/exclude clock information
> based on the tag.
> So, yes, what you ask seems possible to me!

OK, so I would clock into a generic ":office:" activity, which might be
interrupted by ":programming:", ":bofhing:", ":meeting:", ":lunch:" and
":snooze:".  I would then create a clock table including ":office:",
":programming:", ":bofhing:" and ":meeting:", but excluding ":lunch:"
and ":snooze:".

But would this approach allow me to do stuff like subtracting how long I
should have spent at work each day, so that I can work out how much
overtime I have?



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