"Nicolas Richard" <theonewiththeevill...@yahoo.fr> writes:

> [fu2 gmane.emacs.bbdb.user]
> Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>> Incidentally, I'm using `ido-everywhere', and would like to write this
>> function so that it didn't _rely_ on ido, but made use of ido when
>> `ido-everywhere' was true. Ie, I'd like to replace the
>> `ido-completing-read' calls with something more generic that still made
>> use of ido when it was turned on. Any suggestions?
> ido-everywhere is only meant for buffer/file (see its docstring). People
> who really want ido everywhere should probably use ido-ubiquitous which
> sets completing-read-function to ido-completing-read (in fact, a wrapper
> around it because it cannot handle all cases that completing-read should
> handle).
> Hence, my suggestion would be to use completing-read instead of
> ido-completing-read in your code, and configure ido-ubiquitous
> (available from marmalade and melpa) for controlling what to use.
> Related package : ido-hacks (which also enables ido in more places)
> I *guess* it'll then also work automagically with icomplete-mode
> (shipped with recent emacs) if that is what the user enable instead of
> ido-ubiquitous.

Gosh, where did you guys dig this thread up from? :)

Thanks for the refinements on the original function, and for the tips on
ido related packages in elpa repos -- I hadn't been aware of that. I've
been a tiny bit annoyed with this function ever since I wrote it
(obviously not annoyed enough, since that was years ago), as progressive
narrowing didn't work the way I wanted it to. Kevin, I'll give your
version a whack, and maybe come back with some more refinements in a


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