Hi Bastien, > If you are using 8.2.5h, from either Git or ELPA -- your first lines
thanks again for your help. Normally I dont have any (require 'org). Orgmode is installed in /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/org/ by my package manager (pacman in archlinux). I load emacs Everything works in orgmode perfectly, org-version shows 8.2.5h, if I look up an org variable I can see that the help system points to org.el in the directory I mentioned, etc. That is: there are no other problems apart from this issue (but this problem is there since a couple of months at least). > Good -- turn-on-orgstruct is enough for most purposes. Sure. But unfortunately it only works if the item is no longer than the 70 characters I have put as fill-column... It is not soo important. I just want to get rid of this issue, because I tend to use often lists in my emails... -- :: Igor Sosa Mayor :: joseleopoldo1...@gmail.com :: :: GnuPG: 0x1C1E2890 :: http://www.gnupg.org/ :: :: jabberid: rogorido :: ::